Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who's bringing what?

And while we wait for the tally to come in on whether this date change will fly or not... let's start the BOOTY list :) Since we're taking over Heather's ship here, and bringing our significant mates, we really need to double up the rations for this adventure. List your loot below:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Everything changes

Right? Of course it does. We go from emails to blogs; sundays to saturdays, etc. You know the drill. Pretend to be amused and then get down to the truth of the matter which, in this case, is the date of this year's holiday shindig.

You know how we started with a wide open month and have since cascaded through countless gmail "reply alls"...? And you know how I'm the only one that couldn't do Dec. 20th (lil bro's bday).. remember? Well it turns out the little terd is having his family party on Sunday so he can party like the little college rockstar he wishes he was on Saturday night!

Translation: We (Heather and I) propose to move the party to Saturday DEC. 20th at 6PM. Ok, now I'm ready for all the lashings you can think to dole out. Of course I know it's party season and I bet there's a high chance you've already booked yourself senseless for Saturday the 20th by now... but I'm hoping you haven't. I'm hoping you'll choose authentic rum punch and island jerk chicken over all those other parties... just this once? Seriously, the space is now open for your comments/lashings. See - with this blog we can all actually communicate in one place, not through thousands of tangled emails! Besides - remember how much FUN we had last year?!